The Department of Surgery is one of the main departments involved in undergraduate medical education in the Faculty of Medicine. We have been involved in medical student teaching since the start of our clinical school in 1965.
Our teaching contribution starts the moment the students enter medical school i.e. pre-clinical Stage 1 & 2. Our curriculum being an integrated teaching module, we introduce clinical aspects of preclinical sciences during the first 2 years of their studies.
During the clinical Stage 3 blocks (Year 3-5), our students spend a total of 16 weeks in the department of surgery rotating among all the sub-specialties of the surgical discipline.
During their rotation in department of surgery, our students will be taught to:
- Clerk and follow the course of patients including investigation and management, preoperative assessment, operative procedures and post-operative recovery where appropriate.
- Learn to perform basic clinical procedures under supervision
- Be involved in planning for care and follow-up in the community after discharge from hospital.
- Be involved in communicating information to patients and relatives (though not as the sole provider of information).
- Attend and participate in clinical unit meetings, ward rounds and case presentations..
The syllabus covered in the Surgical posting include:
- Basic Clinical Science in Surgery
- Principles of Surgery (applied physiology and pathophysiology) and the specific skills required
- Specialty-based topics in surgery and the specific skills required
- Soft skills and transferable skills
Refer to website https://medicine.um.edu.my/ug
The Master of Surgery programme is a clinical coursework programme in which the research component comprises less than thirty (30) percent of the whole programme of study. The aim of the programme is to produce skilled practitioners in the field of general surgery with comprehensive skills, ethics and professionalism who can contribute to healthcare in Malaysia.
- The degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery of the University or an equivalent medical qualification approved by the Senate; and
- At least one year of post-full registration clinical experience approved by the Senate
- Qualifies for registration as a medical practitioner under the Medical Act 1971 (Act 50) of Malaysia; and
- Satisfies the Conjoint Committee for Surgery Entrance Evaluation recognised by the Faculty.
- Completed two years of general surgery rotation.
- International applicants need to fulfil two additional requirements:
- Obtain a minimum of Band 6 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination.
- Successfully complete a six-month probationary attachment in the Department of General Surgery
The programme of study comprises three stages as follows:
(1) Stage I, comprising:
(a) six (6) months of General Surgery posting including courses in Applied Basic Sciences and Principles of Surgery;
(b) the option of a further six (6) months of General Surgery OR two posting of three (3) months each in Accident and Emergency, Orthopaedic Surgery, Intensive Care, Anaesthesiology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Radiology or any other surgical specialty not covered in Stage II, subject to approval by the Department of Surgery and Faculty of Medicine.
(c) initiation of a research project
(2) Stage II, comprising:
(a) twelve (12) months of rotation in surgical specialties comprising four (4) postings of three (3) months each: two compulsory postings in Urology and Neurosurgery, and a further two postings in any of the following: Cardiothoracic Surgery or Critical Care Medicine, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Paediatric Surgery.
(b) continuation of a research project
(3) Stage III, comprising:
(a) Twenty four (24) months in General Surgery including rotating through which may include Colorectal, Upper Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary, Breast, Endocrine, Vascular and Trauma Surgery general surgical sub-specialities;
(b) submission of a research report.
Duration of Study
- The minimum duration of study shall be four years.
- The maximum duration of study shall be seven years.
RM 40,000 (Local Student)
RM 300,000 (International Student)
Fees are subject to amendment by the Management of University Malaya
Applications can only be made online via
- Intake 2024 – 2025
- Intake 2023 – 2024
- Intake 2022 – 2023
- Intake 2021 – 2022
- Intake 2020 – 2021
- Intake 2019 – 2020
- Intake 2018 – 2019
- Intake 2017 – 2018
- Intake 2016 – 2017
- Intake 2015 – 2016
- Intake 2014 – 2015
- Intake 2013 – 2014
- Intake 2012 – 2013
- Intake 2011 – 2012
- Intake 2010 – 2011
- Intake 2009 – 2010
- Intake 2008 – 2009

Dr Cheng Karmen

Dr Chong Kok Shi

Dr Chow Shao Ching

Dr Chua Jenna

Dr Dyana binti Mohd Zaini

Dr Edwin Sam Keat Song

Dr Kenneth Chun Kok Sheng

Dr Lee Yu Wei

Dr Mohd Asyraf bin Ahmad Faudzi

Dr Mugilan A/L Kuppusamy

Dr Muhammad Safwan bin Noriza

Dr Nabila binti Abdul Jalil

Dr Ng Chin E’ng

Dr Ng Yung Jeat

Dr Nur Afiqah binti Mohamad Kusrin

Dr Nur Arisha binti Khairul Anuar

Dr Nurul Hannis binti Arba’ie

Dr Sharifah binti Abdullah

Dr Siti Safra Omar binti Mohd Azam

Dr Soon Chen Ying

Dr Tan Jie Shyan

Dr Tai May San

Dr Vimal A/L Chandran

Dr Vimal A/L Kanavede

Dr Wong Sui Weng

Dr Yap Ming Teck

Dr Bukhairi bin Azmi

Dr Chean Su-Vynn Vivian

Dr Chong Lip Wei

Dr Elyaraitul Nadia binti Rahim

Dr Fu Jing Hui

Dr Haziq Hussaini bin Fauzi@Fadzi

Dr Jonathan Ngo Syuan Loon

Dr Kabilan Naidu A/L Krishnan

Dr Khoo Li Ying

Dr Khoo Wan Ting

Dr Ko-Ping Tiang

Dr Kong Shu Ning

Dr Matthew Sharman A/L Peter Thomas

Dr Mohd Musaddiq bin Mohd Nizar

Dr Naveenaprian A/L Anbalakan

Dr Nicholas Lam Yong Wah

Dr Ooi Juin Yeen

Dr Shahizzat Fahmi bin Badrolhisham

Dr Tan Xi Jin

Dr Tee Shi Ting

Dr Wan Khalis Ahnaf bin Wan Khamizar

Dr Yee Wei Hoong

Dr Yong Kah Chun

Dr Yu Kah Ling

Dr Ahmad Afiq bin Abdul Razak

Dr Bobby Lee Yung King

Dr Calvindev Singh A/L Amrick Singh

Dr Cheng Shi Yu

Dr Heng Hian Ee

Dr Hidhaya Selvan A/L Ramakrishnan

Dr Jaiyajiwan A/L Simon G Gannesan

DrJasminder Kaur A/P Mahinder Singh

Dr Khoo Zi Huan

Dr Krishneaswary A/L Selleyitoreea

Dr Mariana Nabila binti Ahmad Zuber

Dr Mohd Razeen bin Mohd Hassan

Dr Muhammad Ashraf bin Mohd Noh

Dr Nicole Kelsie Justin

Dr Nur Amalina binti Ariff

Dr Nur Ezzah binti Mohd Sabri

Dr Phillip Ding Hsin Loong

Dr Sharvin A/L S. Sivalingam

Dr Soo Wai Yin

Dr Tan Jun Sam

Dr Uthaya Santhiran A/L Narayanan

Dr Yasir bin Ahmad

Dr Yeoh Zhi Jie

Dr Bryan Yeoh Zhi Yong

Dr Dhineswaran A/L Sivasandrabos

Dr Ehab bin Said

Dr Hor Zheng Han

Dr Jayaprihyan A/L Jayasilan

Dr Jason Khaw Chern Yang

Dr Lai Wick Champ

Dr Mohd Muzakkir bin Ibrahim

Dr Munirah binti Abdul Malek

Dr Nigel Loke Chun Hoe

Dr Nurul Nabila binti Megat Mohamed Azmi

Dr Premanadan A/L Sivadasan

Dr Rosdi bin Pon

Dr Sharon Divya A/P Irvthayaraj

Dr Vishal Singh Dhillon

Dr Yap Wenqi

Dr Zulfakar Arif bin Zulkarnain

Dr Dr Ida Nadiah binti Ahmed Fathil

Dr Asyraf bin Mohd Zuki

Dr Azhar bin Osman

Dr Chen Ah Moon

Dr How Chi Keen

Dr Lim Yi Phing

Dr Ling Chieng Loo

Dr Lynette Sheena A/P Dewa Rajo

Dr Mohamad Suhairil bin Baharudin

Dr Muhammad Fadhly bin Mohd Yusof

Dr Muhammad Firdaus Nasution Raduan

Dr Puteri Atiqah Syaqila binti Mohd Sharif

DR Sivanesan A/L Ramasamy

Dr Theiyallen Ambikapathi

Dr Vishalachi Murugasan

Dr Wong Weng Loon

Dr Ghaithiry Selvarajoo

Dr Noor Hafizah Binti Hassan

Dr Karthikeashvaren A/L Subramaniam

Dr Chieng Su Yiu

Dr Thanaaehiswari A/P Perumal

Dr Naveendran A/L Sidambram

Dr Wong Wei Jin

Dr Teoh Li Ying

Dr Wong Shu Shyan

Dr Ashraf Ahmed

Dr Devindran A/L Manoharan

Dr Kiran kaur A/P Amer Singh

Dr Cadersa Muhammad Ashraf

Dr Gerard Francis Lopez

Dr Lam Ruey Shyang

Dr Hoh Siew Yep

Dr Kumaresan A/L Supramaniam

Dr Chong Hoong Weng

Dr Sazalene Deliza bin Husaini

Dr Ng Hui Been

Dr Mohamed Rezal bin Abdul Aziz

Dr Lee Limi@ Limi Lee

Dr Mohana Raj A/L Thanapal

Dr Muhammad Ridwan bin Mirza Asfian

Dr Mohammad Azhar bin Anis Ahmad

Dr Gunaseelan A/L G.Durairaj

Dr Nor Elina binti Noor Shaari

Dr Chong Shun Siang

Dr Koong Jun Kit

Dr Toh Charng Chee

Dr Ausama A Malik

Dr Gireesh A/L Balasubramaniyam

Dr Lily Sofida Rahim

Dr Ahmad Nazran bin Fadzli

Dr Suniza binti Jamaris
In June 2005, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Malaya introduced the Master of Paediatric Surgery programme. This course was approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and candidates are fully supported by the Ministry of Health through scholarships or paid leave granted to applicants for the whole duration of each course. This support has enabled many doctors in Ministry of Health hospitals to acquire formal specialist training in Paediatric Surgery, with a resultant increase in the number of practicing paediatric surgeons in the country. This programme has been instrumental in addressing the acute shortage of trained Paediatric Surgeons in the country and supports the national effort to reduce the morbidity and mortality of neonates, infants, and children in the country. This programme was also approved by the Malaysian Qualification Agency in 2012.
Requirements (Mandatory)
- Possess a basic medical degree (MBBS, MD, MBChB or Equivalent) recognized by the Malaysian Medical Council
- Successfully completed housemanship
- Minimum of 6 months rotation in General Surgery (excluding housemanship)
- Obtain a minimum standard in the entrance examination as determined by the National Conjoined Board for Paediatric Surgery
- Language requirements – A non-Malaysian applicant whose degree is from a university or institution of higher learning where the medium of instruction for that degree is not the English language shall be required:
- To obtain a score of 600 for a paper-based total (PBT), a score of 250 for a computer-based total (CBT), or a score of 100 for an internet-based total (IBT) for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL);
- To obtain a band of 6 for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (Academic).
Requirements (Desirable)
- Prior experience in Paediatric Surgery
- Other postgraduate examinations (eg. Membership of the Royal Colleges of Surgery, MRCS)
- Relevant courses, e.g.
- Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
- Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS)
- Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
- Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patients (CCrISP)
- Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NoTSS)
- Basic Laparoscopy
- Basic Endoscopy
- Basic Surgical Skills
- Publications / Presentations
The programme of study comprises of two stages as follows:
Stage I (Year 1)
The emphasis of Stage I in this programme is on Applied Basic Sciences in Paediatric Surgery and General Principles of Paediatric Surgery. This stage will require the candidate to successfully complete the following:-
- 6-month rotation in Paediatric Surgery, University of Malaya Medical Centre,
- 6-month rotation in Paediatric Surgery, Hospital Tunku Azizah (Women & Children’s Hospital Kuala Lumpur).
*successful completion of a rotation is determined by an internal assessment of the candidate by an appointed supervisor(s) for each of the rotations
Master of Paediatric Surgery Part 1 Examinations.
Stage II (Years 2- 4)
The emphasis of Stage II of this program is on clinical Paediatric Surgery and its subspecialties, and the submission of a research dissertation. This stage will require the candidate to successfully complete the following:-
- 6-month block comprising:
- 6-Week rotation in NICU
- 6-Week rotation in PICU
- 3-month elective rotation (in a relevant surgical specialty of the candidate’s choice with approval of the programme coordinator)
- 6-month rotation in Paediatric Surgery Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre
- 6-month rotation in a Ministry of Health Paediatric Surgery centre in West Malaysia (outside Klang Valley)
- 6-month rotation in a Ministry of Health Paediatric Surgery centre in East Malaysia
- 6-month rotation in Paediatric Surgery, University of Malaya Medical Centre
- 6-month rotation in Paediatric Surgery, Hospital Tunku Azizah (Women & Children’s Hospital Kuala Lumpur).
*successful completion of a rotation is determined by an internal assessment of the candidate by an appointed supervisor(s) for each of the rotations.
Submission of a research dissertation 6 months before the final exit examination *a submission is deemed satisfactory after assessment by a panel of assessors comprising of the academic staff of the Paediatric Surgery Division, University of Malaya
Master of Paediatric Surgery Final Examinations *Candidates are only allowed to sit for the examinations after successfully completing ALL their rotations and submitting their research dissertation 6 months before the exit examination.
- Local Students RM 40,000
- International Students RM 240,315
Applications can only be made via
- Intake 2024 – 2025
- Intake 2023 – 2024
- Intake 2022 – 2023
- Intake 2021 – 2022
- Intake 2020 – 2021
- Intake 2019 – 2020
- Intake 2018 – 2019
- Intake 2017 – 2018
- Intake 2016 – 2017
- Intake 2015 – 2016
- Intake 2014 – 2015

Dr Ayesyah binti Abdullah

Dr Chin Zi Ling

Dr Naveena A/P Thiyagaraja

Dr Nik Muhammad Syahrin bin Nik Burhanuddin

Dr Syahirah Adillah binti Mohamad Salihhuddin

Dr Tuan Mohd Mas’ain bin Tuan Mohd Azmi

Dr Vebster Jaffrey

Dr Mohd Firdaus bin Ibrahim

Dr Nurul Asyikin Binti Yahya

Dr Nabila Yuliyanty Binti Kamarul Zaman

Dr Ho Ch’ze Lin

Dr Muhammad Firdaus Syukri Bin Ahmad Zubaidi

Dr Annabella Diong Xinhui

Dr Tan Yvonne

Dr Don Evana Ezrien Binti Shaadon Zubir

Dr Norhasnizah Binti Mohamed Zanyuin

Dr Jessmine Anntinea A/P Anthony Dass

Dr Nur Alis Binti Ramli

Dr Pigeneswaren A/L Yoganathan

Dr Nur Akmal Binti Ismail Muslim

Dr Nur Aini Binti Ahmad

Dr Poh Zhiling

Dr Koay Yeang Wee

Dr Tang Shung Ken

Dr John Emmanuel
To produce accomplished practitioners in Neurosurgery with comprehensive knowledge, skills, attitude and ethics, who can contribute to the needs of the national healthcare system in Malaysia
This is a 4-year, structured, conjoint clinical training program, primarily conducted in University Malaya, with the support of Ministry of Health, Malaysia
In campus students will spend all 4 years within UMMC, while out campus students will spend a minimum of 18 months in UMMC and a further 30 months in hospitals within the Ministry of Health
Requirements (Mandatory)
- Possess a basic medical degree (MBBS, MD, MBChB or Equivalent) recognized by MMC
- Successfully completed Housemanship.
- Minimum 6 months in General Surgery (excluding Housemanship)
- 6 months in Surgical related discipline eg A&E, Ortho, ICU, Anaesth, Neurosurg, Ophthal, ENT etc
- Obtain a Minimum Standard in the Entrance Examination (MEDEX)
- Language requirements – A non-Malaysian applicant whose degree is from a university or institution of higher learning where the medium of instruction for that degree is not the English language shall be required:
- To obtain a score of 600 for a paper-based total (PBT); a score of 250 for a computer-based total (CBT) or a score of 100 for an internet-based total (IBT) for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or
- To obtain a band of 6 for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (Academic).
Requirements (Desirable)
- 6 months in Neurosurgery
- ATLS, GCP, CCRisP, NOTTS, BLS courses
- Publications / Presentations
This is a 4-year structured clinical training.
Students will be expected to pass 2 barrier exams.
- The first at the of the first year of training, and
- The Final exam at the end of the 4thyear of training
Students will be expected to pass their bi-annual clinical assessment interviews and hand in a research project in the form of a publication format prior to being permitted to sit for the Conjoint UM-USM-KKM final exam.
RM 40,000 (Local Student)
RM 240,315 (International Student)
Fees are subject ot amendment by the Management of University Malaya
Applications can only be made online via website:
Master Programme:
Clinical Attachment:
For further information please contact:
Tel: 603-7967 3146 / 6695 / 7514 / 603-79492072 / 2108 or
Email: medic_admin@um.edu.my
Applications can only be made via
- Intake 2024- 2025
- Intake 2023- 2024
- Intake 2022- 2023
- Intake 2021- 2022
- Intake 2020- 2021
- Intake 2019 – 2020

Dr Dewaraj A/L Velayudhan

Dr Kon Chen Vern

Dr Mohd Zulfaiz bin Zulkifli

Dr Subash John Philipose

Dr Yugaraj A/L Thangavelu

Dr Nour Izaquan bin Baharuddin

Dr Sam Chee Keong

Dr Siti Nur Hajar binti Mohd Zain

Dr Wong Tat Seng

Dr Lalithambigai A/P Gannison

Dr Muhammad Anas bin Kamarudin

Dr Rajesh Waran A/L Udayah

Dr Yiek Siew Hong

Dr Anushya A/P Jayendran

Dr Lim Yi Wen

Dr Ling Jyh Wen

Dr Muhammad Anas bin Kamarudin

Dr Muhammad Zamzuri bin Zahari

Dr Abdul Khalil Haafiz bin Abdul Rahman

Dr Erina Natasha binti Zakaria

Dr Soon Bee Hong

Dr Tan Bih Huei

Dr Cham Chun Yong
The Department of Surgery, UM has always emphasized scientific methodology as the backbone and basis of clinical and surgical excellence. We have promoted the growth of high-quality surgical research since the establishment of this Department in Faculty of Medicine. Our Department is currently one of the biggest surgical departments’ in the country, encompassing all surgical specialties and subspecialties.
We are focused on evidence based clinical practice and research and encourage our academics to contribute to this endeavor to ultimately help us improve patient care.
- To produce accomplished researchers’ in the field of Fundamental and Clinical Surgical Research.
- To encourage academic, intellectual and clinical development
- To encourage ethical, good research practice and enhance communications skills
“These programme are based on individual supervised research. At the end of the candidate’s study, a thesis must be submitted. Upon successful defense of the thesis, the candidate will be granted a Masters or Doctorate degree by University of Malaya. All research proposals must be approved and supervised by the Faculty.”
Requirements (Mandatory)
- Possess a basic medical degree (MBBS, MD, MBChB or Equivalent) recognized by MMC
- Successfully completed Housemanship.
- Minimum 6 months in General Surgery (excluding Housemanship)
- 6 months in Surgical related discipline eg A&E, Ortho, ICU, Anaesth, Neurosurg, Ophthal, ENT etc
- Obtain a Minimum Standard in the Entrance Examination (MEDEX)
- Language requirements – A non-Malaysian applicant whose degree is from a university or institution of higher learning where the medium of instruction for that degree is not the English language shall be required:
- To obtain a score of 600 for a paper-based total (PBT); a score of 250 for a computer-based total (CBT) or a score of 100 for an internet-based total (IBT) for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or
- To obtain a band of 6 for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (Academic).
Requirements (Desirable)
- 6 months in Neurosurgery
- ATLS, GCP, CCRisP, NOTTS, BLS courses
- Publications / Presentations
There is a option to pursue these programme part time or full-time by the candidate within our department:
- Doctor of Philosophy [PhD]: https://medicine.um.edu.my/doctor-of-philosophy-ph-d-ndash-by-research
- Doctor of Medicine [MD]: https://medicine.um.edu.my/doctor-of-medicine-md
- Master of Medical Science [MMedSc]: https://medicine.um.edu.my/master-of-medical-science
- Mixed Mode Programmes: https://medicine.um.edu.my/doctor-of-public-health-drph-ndash-by-mixed-mode or https://medicine.um.edu.my/master-of-medical-science-regenerative-medicine
Post Graduate Research Program Framework:
- Identify suitable research topic/area of interest
- Explore available academics and researchers within the Department who will be suitable to supervise the topic
- Contact/Discuss with potential supervisors and write up a Proposal for review
- Online submission of proposal and all other relevant documents to the appropriate program link above
- You may be called for a proposal presentation to the Department Research Committee prior to Department approval
- Please allow between 1 to 3 months for approval by Postgraduate Committee of the Department and the Faculty
Once accepted by UM Faculty of Medicine & Department of Surgery:
- Attend Compulsory Research Methodology*
- Proposal Defense
- Candidature Defense
- Need accepted original ISI publication/s to graduate* [One ISI for Masters and Two ISI for PhD as first student author, allowed to be claimed as part of one thesis only]
- Present research work at local and international conferences
- Thesis Seminar
- Three month Notice / final edits and softbound printing/ Examiner Selection (by Supervisors and Dean Office)
- Examination of Theses (1 month to 6 months)
- Viva (Closed session)
- Final Corrections and approvals, Hardcover printing .
- Senate Letter with final grade (Senate Meeting)
- Certification/ Graduation
Note above targets are at discretion by Postgraduate Office at Faculty and University
Department of Surgery does welcome applicants locally and internationally who are interested in pursuing higher degree such as a PhD (Doctorate) or MMedSc (Master of Medical Science) .
Some key highlight when applying are as follows:
- Select and contact your potential supervisor/s by going through people found on within our website (Link to People)
- Decide on your area of interest by going through the published work by our experts and/or discussing projects ideas with the expert (i.e. potential supervisor) with similar research area via email
- Applicant must have the Basic Degree qualification to apply for program of interest as accepted by University of Malaya Postgraduate guidelines
- Applicant must have the relevant proof of English Competency as per this University’s guidelines
- Applicant must have the relevant proof of Bahasa Malaysia Competency as per this University’s guidelines
- Applicant must have a sound proposal ready with agreement from all supervisors (i.e. within this department and outside this department) before enrolling online
For other details please visit the direct link at:
‘Skim Latihan Akademik Bumiputera’ – SLAB and ‘Skim Latihan Akademik IPTA’ – SLAI – Both these programs were initiated in University Malaya to encourage the development of clinicians with an academic and research mindset.
This is a 4-year, structured clinical training program, primarily conducted in University Malaya, with the support of Ministry of Higher Education.
SLAB/SLAI been programmed created with the objective to:
- Increase the number of academic staff
- Fulfill the critical requirement of academic staff in related disciplines
- Improve the quality of teaching and learning at university
General rules:
- This scheme is aimed at tutors, fellows and lecturers at IPTA seeking to complete a Higher Degree
- Each candidate has two agreements, namely with IPTA as the employer and MOHE on behalf of the Government. The duration of the contract in force depends on the period of study funded by the Ministry.
- Both agreements run concurrently unless the officer has the remaining contract period from the previous agreement or the transfer of the contract from another sponsor such as PSD, then the balance of the contract must be settled first starting from the date the officer reports after graduation.
- Failure due to breach of agreement will result in damages being imposed.
Requirements (Mandatory)
- Age not more than 45 years for Master’s degree and 43 years for PhD;
- Have a Bachelor’s Degree with a CGPA of 3.0 and above or Class Two Upper;
- Does not accept any form of sponsorship from other sponsors;
- There is no binding agreement with the other parties;
- Passed Government Security Screening;
- The application is certified by the university;
- Free from court action or disciplinary action;
- Prepare study proposal paper (proposal);
- Obtained a place of study and accepted into a university with a ranking or rating set
- Have English language skills either TOEFL 600 (paper based) or 240 (computer-based) or 92 (internet-based) or IELTS at least pass band 6.5
- Successfully passed the National Citizenship Special Course organized by the Citizenship Bureau.
All Course structure are as per program the academic candidates has enrolled for, hence look at Program Brochures associated with this SLAB/SLAI Scheme for Course structure details.
Candidates will be expected to pass their bi-annual clinical assessment interviews and hand in a research project in the form of a publication format prior to being permitted to proceed to final evaluations.
Applications can only be made online via the following websites:
Master Programme:
Clinical Attachment:
For further information please contact:
Tel: 603-7967 3146 / 6695 / 7514 / 603-79492072 /2108 or
Email: medic_admin@um.edu.my